Ladies! It's time to declare war

Updated: Jan 31, 2022

Trump may have left the White House, but the poison he has left behind

continues to blight our everyday lives. Biden offers nothing of any real progressive substance,

while DINOs Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin actively conspire with a GOP that is still caught

in Trump’s hypnotic, cult-like gaze. We need radical economic change to stop further damage to

everyday Americans and it should then come as no surprise that we have long supported

Andrew Yang’s 2K Freedom Dividend as a great starting point!

Ladies, as you know all too well, the old boys club in D.C have for years turned a blind eye to

the plight of women around the planet. The #MeToo movement is nothing more to them than a

“Feminist echo chamber”, on a par with their other object of disdain, BLM. Now that has been

ramped up to a full-blown assault on women and their reproductive rights, courtesy of Texas

dragging their miserable “six-week heart-beat bill” lawyers in front of the (conservative leaning)

Supreme Court.


We have to organize and mobilize, and we need female help with that more than ever before. We

know our fellow female citizens are suffering like never before – Trumpism, fascism, the

pandemic and now the war on Roe -v- Wade. We call on you to join TIP (Travel in Peace)

Political Party while we are still young, so as to help us formulate policy and strategy for the

future. In doing so, we can make real history by synergizing our respective movements across

the land, exponentially increasing our power and influence, enabling us to repeatedly signal to

the DNC, the RNC and Corporate, racist America, that it really is no longer politics as usual.

Those days are done.

History teaches us that when it comes to political parties, they either evolve or perish (that is why

both the Democrats, and the GOP, will ultimately schism and then disintegrate – but that is a

discussion for another time).

In recent years, the DNC has ignominiously presided over the following disasters:

 -Allowed Joe Manchin and Krysten Sinema become de facto Kingmakers of the party.

 -Lost to, of all people, Donald Trump.

 -Let the GOP / Trump run riot with Supreme Court appointments.

 -Refused any meaningful debate on climate change.

 -Treated Andrew Yang like a party pariah.

 -Refused to cancel outrageous levels of student debt.

- Watched on impassively as 800,000 Dreamers were kept in limbo.

- Stalled on both cannabis legalization and reducing mass incarceration numbers.

 -Raised the federal minimum wage to $15.00 per hour (a mere 70,000 workers) while the

rest of the working demographic stay on a federally guaranteed pittance of $7.25 per


So, it is then that we are done with the DNC and its lemmings over the cliff approach to pretty

much everything that it comes into touch with. We are through with today’s cyber-war being

fought with the DNC’s tactics of World War Two. Consequently, we re-affirm to our fellow

Progressives, that we have declared ourselves to be corporations with the establishment of the

TIP Political Party. Let there be no doubt – we are America’s first self-funding Blockchain and

Cryptostrong political party. In stark contrast to both the GOP and DNC, TIP Political Party is

unique in that it never accepts donations from corporations, lobbyists or individuals.

In 2022, we will continue to make pain a two-way street. Our #FeelthePain travel boycott will

vigorously advocate for a block on tourism to red states (Florida, Texas & Georgia).

In doing so, they can kiss goodbye to

their trillion-dollar tourist sector. That money can then be redirected to Progressive states and

cities to enable them to keep up the fight against global oppression. Red states clearly think that

they are above and beyond the tourism dollars that we provide. Their awakening to the reality of

what we are going to do will be both rude and spectacular. When the financial behemoths of

New York and California pull the tourist plug on today’s sons and daughters of the Confederacy,

you can rest assured that plenty more will follow.

You see it before your eyes – we can no longer wait forever for the government to step in. The

whole world, including billions of women, joined together to defeat the abominations that were

South African Apartheid and the Holocaust. And now we need that female help again and the

real difference for the good that you can make.

This is our generation’s Montgomery Bus

Boycott and South African Apartheid embargo – events that will forever echo down the ages.

And TIP Political Party is proud to be leading this latest historical struggle. Consequently, we

ask each of our female audience not to visit or support those places that continue to oppress us.

Also keep in mind that women continue to make 83% of all travel decision, yet they have been

marginalized when it comes to having a representative share of the economy and the tech

industry. Therefore, we propose to have the board members of the Women’s March at the helm

of our Travel in Peace movement and that is why we have

as well as Women

United Adventures.

Today, fellow Progressives and fellow visionaries, we re-affirm ourselves as corporations

through the TIP political party. With that laser-focused vision, we ask our female comrades to

rise up and further their work, with us! Together, we can dictate who governs over

cryptocurrency and blockchain, against a universal basic income, all of which is for the common


As Abraham Lincoln said: “The best way to predict your future is to create it.
