A previously enslaved race must be the first to capture any new form of money. The creators of the new form of money must blockchain & tokenize the common person and form a global political party post haste and declare war on the privileged sons and daughters of the original enslavers and colonizers for they live in lore of re-enslavement
The creators must have a global travel blockchain and anchor coin that is backed by the financial muscle that is the US
A modern day political party must be digitize, weaponize, monetize, mechanize, tokenize, blockchain, self-funding and cryptostrong to conquer the emerging unchartered waters of the digital era. Your political party is the tour operator of your life.
Join The Fight

Dear Friends,
While we fully support the Women's March, the #NoWallNoBan protest and the March for Science, we also know that marching alone will not deter Donald Trump and his Republican allies from gutting President’s Obama legacy.
So we have developed a plan of action that we want you to be part of:
1. #FeelThePainBOY Travel Boycott — Join our four-year travel boycott against the original 13 Confederate slave states. America’s Red States think we’ve moved past their history of atrocities. But we’re experiencing a fresh wave with the election of Trump.
So we’re encouraging people to spend their travel dollars elsewhere. Instead of visiting New Orleans, Charleston, Atlanta, Tampa, Tiptours offers affordable adventures to Cuba, Jamaica, Barcelona, New York and numerous other places.
With this boycott, we have a means to express our collective anger and cause economic pain when politicians, governments and/or companies violate our values. We’ll hold them accountable when a black man is murdered by police; when states pass anti-LGBTQ laws, chip away at women’s rights or interfere with legalized cannabis; when companies exploit workers or drag paying customers off flights for not “volunteering” to leave; and so on and so forth. The Boycott will supplement your efforts for equal rights and be a rallying call for progressives. #FeelThePainBOY gives us all a way hit what really matters to Trump and his cronies—their bank accounts.
2. Reparations for Lost Tourism— Demand that Trump and his administration pay for the loss tourism revenue due to his travel ban, his electronics ban on certain Middle Eastern carriers, a stricter visa application process, and his rhetoric on Twitter. New York City alone expects to lose up to $600 million in international tourism spending this year alone.
3. Accessible Travel — Explore and learn from other cultures through our new travel model. We’re embracing the airbnb model and ending the practice of package tours to make travel more affordable and accessible to all, because we know that travel makes us better, more understanding, more creative and more able to solve the problems our country faces.
4. Travel For Good — Invest in minority-owned businesses and places in need by spending your travel dollars wisely. We are currently organizing the travel writing community to help more people travel for good. (Interested in being part of this? Email us at Tip@TipNation.org.)
5. Travel in Peace Political Party — Come together to form a counterpoint to the Tea Party. This will be a place for all of us who feel like the mainstream Democratic Party is not listening to us or pushing hard enough for continued progress on social issues.While we agree with most of Bernie Sanders goals, we’re also advocating for creating low-cost housing for minimum wage workers, eradicating homelessness (particularly for veterans), ending mass incarceration and legalizing cannabis. We’re calling on all progressive and liberals who embrace these goals and, of course, want to Travel in Peace to help us make the Democratic Party more progressive.
I hope you will join us in our efforts and would love to hear from you, so we can work collectively to fight Trumpism.