A previously enslaved race must be the first to capture any new form of money. The creators of the new form of money must blockchain & tokenize the common person and form a global political party post haste and declare war on the privileged sons and daughters of the original enslavers and colonizers for they live in lore of re-enslavement
The creators must have a global travel blockchain and anchor coin that is backed by the financial muscle that is the US
A modern day political party must be digitize, weaponize, monetize, mechanize, tokenize, blockchain, self-funding and cryptostrong to conquer the emerging unchartered waters of the digital era. Your political party is the tour operator of your life.

You could also imagine Putin
doing the same or any number power-thirsty autocrats around the world that currently
occupy the corridors of power. So how is that even remotely possible in twenty-first
century NYC? Well, there is a two-word answer to that – Eric Adams.
Adams’ twisted logic is built on the premise that those homeless individuals living in
boxes, or tents or other constructed means of survival, should have what they built torn
down, by the police, as they should instead be in city shelters. At the same time,
Adams professes to “care” about the city’s homeless as, and take a deep breath, it’s
apparently “ok” to be homeless and on the streets, but it’s not “ok” to have any material
surroundings that would provide you with a morsel of protection from the elements and
the predatory outside world.
There are further historical precedents here. The South African apartheid regime took
particular pleasure in violently breaking up Black settlements and townships – all in the
name of “security.” Sounds familiar? It does. That’s because it’s a mirror copy of what
Adams has inflicted on the city’s most vulnerable citizens. And with history in mind,
there’s more to come…
Trump lickspittle and disgraced former Republican NYC mayor Rudi Giuliani also had
his own vendetta against NYC’s homeless. Back in the 1990’s, in his own display of a
tin-pot abuse of power, Giuliani made sleeping on the streets a criminal offense. Just
like with Adams’s latest move, that was a politically expedient display of posturing that
failed to address the root cause of just why people end up on the streets – a failed
system of free market economics that rewards greed and punishes the most vulnerable.
You can be pretty confident that tucked away in Adams’ cell ‘phone contacts, you would
find Giuliani’s number.

I guess we can’t be too harsh on Florida, at least a first glance. After all, it has the
Everglades, great beaches and space rocket launch-sites, to name but a few. It is sad
then that all those Floridian positives are over-shadowed by a majority of it being Trump
Nation and having potential GOP presidential hopeful Ron DeSantis as its governor. As
a protégé of Trump, DeSantis is proving to be a chip off the old bigoted block. And
nothing more so shows that than his recent signing into Floridian law of the highly
controversial “Don’t Say Gay” measure that prevents schools teaching things like
gender identity or sexual preference until after third grade.
To its credit, Florida’s Walt Disney Company, the largest private employer in the state,
has been a prominent voice in opposing this blatantly prejudiced measure. Disney CEO
Bob Chapek has let it be known that the company is concerned about the discriminatory
nature of the measure, and that Disney is committed to seeing the legislation either
overturned or thrown out by the courts. Further, Disney will be making a $5 million
donation to various human rights organizations, including those which strive to defend
the rights of LGBTQ+ individuals.



New York City attorney fired after confronting Mayor Adams about masks on toddlers
New York City attorney Daniela Jampel was fired after pressing Mayor Eric Adams about his decision not to “unmask our toddlers.”
The city's Law Department terminated Jampel from her job after she attended a press conference Monday in which she told Adams he had reneged on his promises to drop masking policies for children.
“Three weeks ago, you told parents to trust you, that you would unmask our toddlers,” Jampel said after being called upon by Adams while taking questions from the press. “Ten days ago, you stood right here, and you said that the masks would come off April 4.
That has not happened. You reneged on your promise, and not only did you renege on your promise, you had your lawyers race to court on Friday night to overturn."
As someone tried to interrupt Jampel, Adams allowed her to continue but told her to “turn on your phone, so you can get my answer correctly.”

Mayor Eric Adams’ reported policy to vet all communications to the press is unrealistic and indicative of a lack of understanding of government’s inner workings – depending on how seriously he follows through with it, according to some of the city’s top political operatives. To freedom-of-the-press advocates, it contradicts the First Amendment.
“I think he’s delusional. He’s going to be inundated. The city is very, very large. People who have not been city administrators don’t understand how big and complex it is,” Norman Adler, founder and former president of the lobbying firm Bolton-St. Johns, told City & State.
The sentiment was echoed by former Mayor Bill de Blasio’s press secretary Bill Neidhardt, who said “a move to review and approve every media message from every agency is a signal from an administration that doesn’t understand the full power and scope of New York City’s government, which is concerning.”

