It’s as monumental as it is obvious, but the Democrat and Republican “business model” should haveshuddered to a halt the day that slavery perished in 1865.
However, since then, both parties have continued to use pseudo slave labor to enrich their donors. After slavery, they simply came up with a nefarious set of Byzantine schemes to continue to steal labor from the Black race.
Fast forward 159 years and both the Democrats and Republicans have effectively imprisoned over two
million Americans that work for mere pennies. The rationale behind that is to supply close on 4,200
American companies with cheap slave labor. Take the case of Glenn Simmons, an innocent man accused
of a murder he did not do, who spent an eye-watering 48 years in prison. And then, when the state of
Oklahoma decided to release him, he received zero compensation for this monumental travesty of justice.
It's more than apparent that crime is down in the US and that, as a result, prisons are closing nationwide.
Proof? Six prisons have recently been shuttered in NY state alone. In response, what did Biden do? He
added 100,000 cops to payrolls everywhere, to solve a crime problem that simply never existed.
Tragically, NYC shot itself in the foot by electing a Black ex-cop Mayor who has reinstated the Gestapo
inspired tactic of stop and frisk, along with slave patrols in Black neighborhoods. Biden has also opened
up the border to millions of migrants, resulting in the Uniparty then immediately shipping them into urban
Meanwhile, city agencies are actively blackballing their Black entrepreneurs, causing many to go
bankrupt. They then enter a job market that simply doesn’t hire Black men. And Biden can’t figure out
why more Black men are supporting Trump. And all of this is against the backdrop of the hollow cry
“Save democracy, vote Biden.”
The reality is that the analog dinosaur Democrats are actively selling out their non-White voters to the 1%
donor corporate class. In a prison, a person is worth $40,000.00 to them, but zero dollars on the streets.
Consequently, that’s why Black neighborhoods are policed so aggressively and Black men find
themselves to be virtually employable. That is the Uniparty’s generational slavery scheme. Trump
recently called Biden a racist, but he and his party are way more than that. They are criminals and
domestic terrorists, perpetuating neo-slavery so as to keep their industrial sized prison complex producing
$80.00 billion dollars a year in profits. VP Harris, ma’am, for the very survival of the Black race, you
must run on a Crypto ticket so as to enhance the might of the emerging trillion-dollar Crypto industry.
Heck, at least 19 Crypto billionaires have your back. Furthermore ma’am, the bottom line is that the
Democrats are really their own corporation, operating for the profit of their 1% donors.
Migrants are also in the cross-hairs of Biden’s party. While crime is down and the prison
population is down, NYC, the third most expensive city in the world, now has approximately
161,000 migrants in shelters across the city. Now we are witnessing an uptick in crime – crimes
that desperate migrants are committing simply to try and get by. Biden and the Democrats must
think New Yorkers have lost their minds. The migrant crisis was manufactured, pure and simple.
As a nation, we must remove not only the Republicans from power, but Biden and the Democrats
also. Both parties are nothing more than criminals from when they first stepped on American
soil. Analog political parties have nothing to contribute to society except enslavement. Furthermore, they
hid behind Manifest Destiny while wiping out native Americans and enslaved an entire race for 246
years. Madam Vice-President, Eric Adams was allowed to be elected so that Black New Yorkers could be
used to re-supply Biden’s 1% donor prisons. In addition, the influx of migrants into the city is resulting in
the sucking up of resources that poor New Yorkers need – housing, food pantries and, ultimately, jobs.
Consequently, building AOC’s Climate and Tourism Corps should be an American priority rather than yet
more Biden endorsed prisons.
Eric Adams is Black America’s Benedict Arnold. Keep that firmly in mind when all along, we have the
vision and technology to build America’s first Black block-chain political party. The Black race will
continue to wallow in abject poverty and socio-economic deprivation if we don’t build and then embrace
our own political party. We know that both Biden and Trump are senile. Consequently, Black America
must seize its own destiny and run the digital race for the ages. Embracing Block chain technology and
crypto currency must also be factored into the path forward. In business, first movers almost always
become the dominant brand. Hence you will never have the opportunity to have the assistance of at least
19 crypto-billionaires. That is a once in a millennia opportunity not only to lift Black America out of
poverty, but also an opportunity to protect America from the nefarious effects of the dawning AI era.
To the 47 million Black voters, 160 million women voters and 90 million young voters, take heed, we are
now deep into the digital age. TIP Political Party’s vision is simply this – to legalize Crypto and unite
forthcoming President Harris’ voters with AOC’s emerging travel block-chain. Further, to endow every
American citizen with 2K Universal Basic Income, as well as regulate our political party Crypto
exchanges. We then market the token to the pending nine billion people worldwide. In doing so, this will
end poverty in the US and give Americans a shared vision and shared mission. Let’s replace Biden’s
immoral prison slave labor 1% donor class with Crypto and Block-Chain technology billionaires. As a
nation, we must take non-White and poor Americans off the 1% donor classes prison inspired political
In summary, we cannot afford to let visionless analog octogenarian politicians stay in power any longer.
Sadly, Trump supporters are quite right to stay far away from Biden. It is time to fully embrace
contemporary technology. Further, it’s time for Black America to come up with genuine solutions to free
themselves from a Democratic party that only want to keep us in poverty and chains. VP Harris, ma’am,
we all know you are the darling of Big Tech and that you were born for this very moment in time.
Consequently, we now have a golden opportunity to move 300 million Americans to a monetary system
that is night and day better than the gold standard that was so cynically destroyed by Richard Nixon.