Of modern languages, English is arguably the most flexible and adaptable. When
unable to come up with its own new word where required, it simply “borrows” from
another language, without shame. Consequently, there are near endless ways to
describe near endless things, both good, bad and in-between.
However, when it comes
to today’s GOP, the English language is left scratching its head to describe how mind-
blowingly disgusting they truly are. And in that respect, the GOP’s disdain for the
country’s veterans just went even lower, if that’s possible. And that’s regarding the
PACT act pantomime that Republican Senators thought a great idea to inflict on some
of our nation’s most vulnerable citizens.
PACT is the Promise to Address Comprehensive act. That legislation, among other
things, is designed to provide additional medical care for veterans who have fallen prey
to burn pit emissions (burn pits are areas of a military base or encampment where
waste is disposed of by burning). For many of those veterans who have done sustained
burn pit work, the side-effects of exposure to dust, toxins and smoke have resulted in
serious medical conditions, including respiratory and nerve damage as well as cancer.
Approximately three million US veterans have had burn pit exposure, and even that’s a
conservative estimate.
PACT has now made it through Congress and sits on Biden’s desk for his approval.
However, that wasn’t before it was previously rejected by the Senate, with 25 GOP
senators voting against. That group of pen-pushing warriors, headed up by human oil-
slick Ted Cruz and jock-itch in human form Rand Paul, were appalled by the “socialism
in disguise” nature of the proposed legislation. They bleated about the bill containing
“unnecessary pork” – their code for unnecessary other spending. Be that the case or
not, they were still giving a very stiff middle finger to burn pit veterans across the land.
For a party that is supposedly so pro-military, pro-veteran and patriotic on steroids, the
GOP sure is doing its best to make out otherwise.
Why is that? Well, burn pit cancer
riddled veterans, and any other veterans when it comes to that, are to be applauded
and saluted for their service and their sacrifice. But there is one fundamental clause in
that particular contract of patriotism. And that's when it comes to cost. That was 100%
evident when Cruz, Paul and their Senatorial buddies actually fist bumped in celebration
of blocking the passage of the act, something that was caught on camera.
The howls of understandable outrage about that despicable and celebration were
understandably deafening. Within a matter of days, the PACT act finally passed as
some of the 25 GOP Senators came to their senses and voted in favor. “Some” is
italicized as astonishingly, 11 Republican Senators still voted against it.
How low can a party actually go? Since selling its soul to embrace the cult of Trump, the
GOP is now in a race to the bottom. Its as if they are trying their very hardest to see
who can be the most despicable of that rotten lot. And in doing so, as ever, they target
the most vulnerable in society – veterans, non-White Americans, the sick and the poor.
So, this latest display of GOP misery-making should really surprise no-one. As sure as
night follows day, there will be even more nauseating displays of cruelty and
discrimination just around the corner.
While these pampered Senators dwell in fancy offices and ornate buildings, not wanting
for a thing, veterans are out there in the millions, suffering every day medical, financial
and housing hardships. Veterans did what was asked of them, and more. They put their
health and their lives on the line for what is perceived to be one of the world’s major
democracies and The Land of the Free. But that service was only ever a one-way
street. There is never any reciprocation or genuine gratitude. As the saying goes, the
GOP loves the soldier, but hates the veteran (just as it loves the embryo, but hates the
new born child – but that is a subject for another day). Cruz and Co. can take their fist-
bumping antics and go pound salt. We already knew what a bunch of self-centered
charlatans they were. This just underscores that yet again.
On reflection, we can actually give the English language a break. It doesn’t need to go
out hunting for a new word to adopt. It’s already there. And it’s what the GOP will
always be, always looks to be: