A previously enslaved race must be the first to capture any new form of money. The creators of the new form of money must blockchain & tokenize the common person and form a global political party post haste and declare war on the privileged sons and daughters of the original enslavers and colonizers for they live in lore of re-enslavement
The creators must have a global travel blockchain and anchor coin that is backed by the financial muscle that is the US
A modern day political party must be digitize, weaponize, monetize, mechanize, tokenize, blockchain, self-funding and cryptostrong to conquer the emerging unchartered waters of the digital era. Your political party is the tour operator of your life.






Drop in Youth Crime Punctures ‘Myth’ of Failed Reforms
By Vincent Schiraldi | August 19, 2022

Earlier this year, New York City Mayor Eric Adams proposed rolling back his state’s raise the age law that, in 2017, had moved 16- and 17-year-olds out of New York’s violent Rikers Island jails and into its more rehabilitative family court.
Connecticut’s House of Representatives passed legislation in April cracking down on youth accused of car theft. And in July, Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards proposed moving youth from his juvenile justice facilities into the notorious Angola prison.
Proposals like these around the country have child advocates fearing that, once again, perceived increases in crime, a frightened public, and ne’er-do-well politicians seeking electoral advantage will unleash an unwarranted crackdown on kids.
But now is no time to yield to mythology about youth crime and reverse hard-won juvenile justice reforms.
That’s because a report released this month by the federal Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) revealed something that many may find hard to believe—youth crime is down, and down sharply.

Eric Adams and the Immoral Democratic Party must DIE
With war between Russia and Ukraine, the latter with heavy Western backing, it feels almost like the clock has been turned back 40 years with a new Cold War. The world feels like it is somehow in reverse, with old postures and attitude that have long been laid to rest, lurching back to life as twenty-first century zombies. It’s scary, bizarre and unsettling, unless of course you are NYC Mayor Eric Adams. Adams loves the past so much he virtually lives in it. And that of course comes with a whole load of unsavory, bigoted baggage.
Not content with shadily appointing his brother to a government position and still fixated with “Stop and Frisk”, Adams has now opted to highlight his homophobic credentials for all to see. In a shocking, but at the same time completely unsurprising move (this is Adams after all), Adams has recently appointed three individuals to his city administration that all have shockingly homophobic histories.
And here’s your roll-call in sexuality-hatred:
Fernando Cabrera: A long history of condemning anything but heterosexual marriage and, for extra measure, went out to Uganda in 2014, a country with a notoriously homophobic government that he heaped lavish praise upon for being just that. Shock, horror, now that he is in the public eye of day-to-day New Yorkers, Cabrera has recanted, saying it was all a big mistake on his behalf. Yeah right.


