A previously enslaved race must be the first to capture any new form of money. The creators of the new form of money must blockchain & tokenize the common person and form a global political party post haste and declare war on the privileged sons and daughters of the original enslavers and colonizers for they live in lore of re-enslavement
The creators must have a global travel blockchain and anchor coin that is backed by the financial muscle that is the US
A modern day political party must be digitize, weaponize, monetize, mechanize, tokenize, blockchain, self-funding and cryptostrong to conquer the emerging unchartered waters of the digital era. Your political party is the tour operator of your life.

Fellow New Yorkers and Progressives, Economic Activism is the Ultimate Resistance.
Join Civil War II—Cyber Edition.
When we entrust our vote to a political party we are putting our lives and our children lives in their care. The DNC has failed us. By letting Mitch McConnell and the GOP steal Obama's Supreme Court pick, the DNC gave Neil Gorsuh, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett. the power to shift the court to the far right for decades. The DNC has abdicated their power by not getting in the trenches and declaring war to protect generations of Democrats not even born yet.
Not many people know that in 1792, supporters of Thomas Jefferson and James Madison formed the Democratic-Republicans Party. Over the decades, they broke into two different factions and later switched ideology. But the one constant of both parties is their reliance on the wealthy (individuals and corporations) to fund their campaigns ask Eric Adams. This insidious relationship opened the door for the Supreme Court’s landmark decision declaring corporations "People" and is even why thousands of Americans are gunned downed every year to appease the NRA.
Democrats had a window of opportunity to fix immigration when they were in power in 2008, but they chose to bail out Wall Street. The Democrats had the opportunity to legalize cannabis nationwide to generate revenue and stop mass incarcerations of mostly black and brown Americans, but they enacted tougher laws. Joe Biden still refuse to legalize in 2021. Studies prove that in New York black and brown people are still going to jail for small amounts of cannabis, which in turn ruin lives, while citizens on the West Coast enjoy cannabis with no consequences.
The Democratic party in NYC as we know it is dead. This is only reinforced by the fact that TWO of the top Democrats in the House of Representatives, lost to 31-year-old community organizer Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Jamaal Bowman. Millennials—who now outnumber baby boomers—would rather sit on the sidelines than sell their souls to corporate-sponsored politicians. Democrats must run with fresh, paradigm-shifting progressive ideas, but traditional and centrist Democrats will not give up power without a fight. For example: Secretly taped audio reveals Democratic leadership pressured progressives to leave the race. That’s why it’s time to get dark money from lobbyists out of politics.
We ask you to join TIP Political Party while we're still in our infancy. Together, we can make history by bringing the various movements together into one real political powerhouse and send the DNC and America a message that it's no longer politics as usual. Unlike the GOP and DNC, TIP Political Party does not accept contributions from lobbyists, corporations or individuals. We make our money the old fashion way—we earn it. Today, fellow progressives, we declare ourselves corporations with the formation of TIP Political Party and TIPBNB. Fellow New Yorkers, before we wage war on our known enemies, we must wage war on Eric Adams and all Corporate Democrats.
NYC'S DNC, if you are listening, prove it with a plan to reclaim NYC's 65 million tourists, keep Trump supporters in check and end poverty in NYC. We have one. Why don’t you? You can't gaslight TIP.

Now, more than ever, is the time for a new political and economic battle plan. Political activism is always needed, but corporate Dems only talks cash. Consequently, the resistance to corporate America needs economic activism also.
Fellow New Yorkers, Red States don't just get to walk away this time. The reversal of Roe v Wade is a declaration of war on 162 million American women. Stop and Frisk and the threat of racial segregation is a declaration of war on 47 million African Americans and 55 million Hispanic Americans.
We absolutely recognize that the Red States of the Union voted to reignite the Civil War when they shamelessly threw their lot in with Trump. We are fighting back. As in any conflict, we are looking for like-minded believers to join our ranks.
We are now in an age of struggle where only cyber-warfare changes governments and oppressive, outdates regimes. If we don't declare war and leave our fate in the hands of corrupt do nothing Dems, Trump will return in 2024.
That's why we are launching Kamala Harris presidential campaign today.
Jim Crow Joe Biden is 78 years old. Why wait? Go on the offensive,
Our first action is to declare war in the form of a travel boycott on Texas, Georgia & Florida and redirect millions of tourists to New York and other progressive places within the US.
TIPNATION.NYC re-imagined the South African Embargo using today's
We also declare war on those whose socio-economic privilege is entrenched in generational slavery and who make no effort to extend that privilege to those whom it is truly owed. The thirteen original slave-holding confederate states must atone for their treason and their sins against humanity.
We will not allow Republicans voters to hide behind their elected officials and Supreme Court without inflicting pain on their economy. In 2022 and beyond, pain is a two-way street.
The North won the original Civil War because we starved their economy by decimating their cotton trade by emancipating their slave labor.
This time we'll decimate their trillion dollar "pandemic crippled"
travel industry.

Everyone in the world wants to visit NYC at least one time in their lifetime. Unfortunately, according to Business Insider, New York City is in the top three most expensive cities in the world to visit. It’s expensive because of corporate greed within the tourist industry. They markup tour packages by hundreds of dollars to unsuspecting tourists. Additionally, vulture companies based in Silicon Valley such as Expedia, Hotwire, Booking.com, Priceline and Hotels.com over the years have successfully positioned themselves as the middleman in the hotel booking process. They demand anywhere from 20% to 25% commission which the hotel passes on to tourists. Additionally businesses in the outer boroughs Brooklyn, Bronx, Queens and Staten Island hardly ever benefit from tourism dollars.
Our “See New York with a Real New Yorker” subway/walking tour will drastically reduce the cost of travel to New York City and make NYC one of the most affordable cities in the world to visit. When a potential tourist anywhere in the world is in planning mode and it’s a choice between Alabama, Mississippi, South Carolina or NYC, New York City will win every time. We priced the six-day “See New York” tour package at $225 per person, plus $33 (the cost of a seven-day Metrocard). For $258 and the prevailing rate of a hotel room, a couple or group could experience New York City the way it is meant to be experienced—by subway and on foot. Every borough would benefit, not just Manhattan. The MTA would benefit by increased ridership. And logistically, we would control the flow of tourists, so they won’t have a major impact on peak transit times. This will force the powers that be to finally fix the system, and the influx of funds should stabilized fares.
Eventually, we want to develop Subway Adventures in international cities, like London, Paris, Barcelona, Beijing, Mexico City, Moscow, Rome and Tokyo. The Subway/bnb combo will drastically reduce the cost of travel for millions of people. This is key because we know that travel makes us better, more understanding, more creative and In New York, Tiphotels.nyc (our booking portal) would work directly with NYC Hotels and charge zero in booking fee. The savings would drive down costs and be passed on to tourists. Instead of pouring millions into travel marketing campaigns (and the pockets of agency execs).
We formed Tipbnb and the Tip Political Party as the Democratic answer to the Tea Party. The Tip in our name stands for Travel in Peace, which is exactly what we all want to be able to do—travel in our daily lives and around the world without fearing for our safely, without barriers, without worrying about being a woman or a person of color or LGBTQ. Trump won’t allow for that, so we need a change.
Our wartime mission is to both totally disrupt and bankrupt Trump supporters’ tourism industries and win Gracie Mansion. Trump won in 2016 because the sons and daughters of the confederacy never ended the Civil War. As a Political Party, our Civil War II-Cyber Edition will forge on until the last descendants and defenders of confederacy ideology are dust and we as a party can start to right the injustices of the past. There will be no compromising on ending the legacy of the Confederacy. We are the generation that will end their rein of terror.
Fellow New Yorkers, this is our generation’s Montgomery Bus Boycott and South African Apartheid Embargo. Our #FeelThePainBoy travel boycott is designed to block tourism to Red States, cripple their trillion-dollar tourism industry, redirect that money into progressive places, boost our economy and unite Democrats and the world against oppression. This boycott will give us—the people—leverage over the outcome. And leverage over the alt right.
We ask each of you not to visit or support our oppressor’s economy, both as an act of solidarity and for your own safety, which we fear could be in jeopardy if you visit the heart of Trump’s America. We’re Texas, Georgia, and Florida.
Please consider redirecting your travel dollars to progressive states, like Colorado, California, Massachusetts, Maine, Minnesota, Washington, Oregon, New York, Nevada, Connecticut, Vermont, New Jersey or Hawaii instead.
The world is waiting for a hero. We have 10 million heroes who make this the greatest and most diverse city in the world. So let’s go on the offensive to stop Biden, recoup the BILLIONS we’ve lost,
Our fellow Blue States and the world will join us because, as in the first Civil War, we are on the right side of history. Yang will do the Math.
“A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week.”
— George S. Patton
A Message to the Confederacy:
Terms of Surrender
You have never paid for your treasons and sins against humanity, your lies or your generational racism and arrogance. Your crimes include slavery, murder, rape, lynching, burning, castration, mutilation, the KKK, mass incarceration, the election of Trump and insurrection. More recently, you owe New York City $1.5 BILLION in tourism revenue lost due to the Trump Slump that still lingers and the Pandemic mismanagement.
We will end the #FeelThePainBoy travel boycott when the former confederate states issue a check made payable to the City of New York in the amount of TWO BILLION DOLLARS and provide us with a plan to remove and archive every confederate monument on public and private lands.
Fellow New Yorkers we are launching Tippoliticparty.com because we know corporate do nothing Dems will just let Trump and his supporters WALK. We are anti-Republican and pro-progress. Red States re-ignited the Civil War with the election of Trump. And we can’t win with Biden and protests alone in pandemic America. It's time for economic resistance and political fortitude. We are claiming our share of the trillion dollar travel industry by boycotting travel to confederate states and redirecting those dollars to places that promote civil rights and progressives causes.
TIP Political Party mission is to secure Gracie Mansion and to dominate the U.S. tourism industry, fostering both world peace and prosperity. We also advocate for Cannabis Legalization Medicare for all and Universal Basic Income, which would provide to 500K New Yorkers with a no-strings-attached stipend to help cover living expenses, healthcare, schooling or whatever else they need. This would help fight poverty and be a huge boon to NYC's economy.
Join TIP'S fight to save the soul of NEW YORK CITY AND ALL OF HUMANITY.