It’s as monumental as it is obvious, but the Democrat and Republican “business model” should haveshuddered to a halt the day that slavery perished in 1865.
However, since then, both parties have continued to use pseudo slave labor to enrich their donors. After slavery, they simply came up...

Toss Biden, Trump and their slime-ball 1% prison slave labor leeches in to the trash can of history.
The USA is blessed to be called home by 47 million African-Americans, 160 million women and 90 million young people. It is against that...

We are making another call out to vice-president Harris, Stacey Abrams and AOC – three titans of contemporary American politics.
We clearly see the death and destruction happening in Palestine with the blessings and financial support of Biden and his soulless...

BLACK AMERICA, We have done a tremendous job rising from the chains of bondage, it's time to declare war.
After slaving away for 250 years, our ancestors left their slave masters’ plantations with nothing but the clothes that they had on their...

Kamala Harris presidency is our vision for the future.
Cast your mind back to the late 80s / early 90s. The Cold War was finally done, and the West had “won.” Hell, we were so sure that the...

This week, history was made as Kevin McCarthy was ousted as Speaker of the House. He was voted out by a combination of 8 conservative...

“Any customer can have a car painted any color that he wants, so long as it is black.” Henry Ford.
While Ford uttered those words back in the early twentieth century, they could just as well be used as a metaphor for the pending 2024...

Fraternal greetings to all and every American!
TIP Voice is here, 24/7, 365, to let TIP Political Party broadcast our opinion of the USA and the world today. We are steadfast in...

The American Dream has never been a fully achievable goal for Black Americans.
As we know, these are unprecedented times that we live in. The American Dream has never been a fully achievable goal for Black Americans....

Pause Immigration and House our Homeless VeteransPresident Harris's Top Priorities
The United States of America is many things to many people, and that is something that we should all cherish, even though the country...

Fascism takes many twisted forms. Of course, the most obvious right now is Donald Trump and his Neanderthal MAGA movement. In turn, the...

UBI CRYPTO revolution worldwide
One of the biggest stories of the last decade, and it’s not even on the radar of some news outlets, is the recent buses full of migrants...

A Message to Kim Kardashian
It is a sad reflection of the era that we live in that it can take a celebrity name to raise public awareness of issues that otherwise...

Call It What It Is: Twenty-First Century Slavery
When it comes to the US, it’s never been a case of history repeating itself. And the reason for that? It doesn’t need to repeat itself...

Pro-choice America, You Simply Can’t Trust Joe Biden
It’s been said before that Joe Biden is on a par with a crooked used car salesman. That’s not fair. He’s way worse than that. And it...

Our generals gave their word to thousands of their Afghan allies. And Biden betrayed those words
We all know that the Trump presidency was a four-year dumpster fire. He trashed any number of American democratic institutions, cared...

In 2023 and beyond, non-White America will need to fight its own battles, drawing upon its own resources, courage and initiative. It...

New York City mayor Eric Adams. What a guy.
New York City mayor Eric Adams. What a guy. Just when you think the crazy can’t get any more, well, crazy, the man surpasses himself time...

This is a call to arms to160 million women.
This is a call to arms to the 160 million women that call America the only home they have and want it to be the only home they have. We...

“When I put policies in place, I put them in with a God-like approach to them.” Excuse me? God-like
Taking a walk down humanity’s memory lane can be a joyous and inspiring exercise. Human history is rich with people that undoubtedly made...

Cory Booker and the vast majority of Black American politicians are gaslighting their race.
Kids today are really confused. They are growing up in a world of supposed “fake news”, a myriad of websites and social media platforms...

We are making another clarion call direct to the hearts and minds of Black America.
158 years after emancipation, Black Americans are still being aggressively hunted down and murdered in their streets and homes. The 1%...

Let’s be real here. Established American politics as we know is dead.
The two-party system of Democrats and Republicans has long been unfit for purpose. Twisted comedy characters like Bush, Trump and Biden...

The Land of the Free is only free for those who make the rules
The inevitable conclusion of bigotry and racial hatred is bloodshed. A fleeting browse online will confirm that history is littered with...