Anyone with any semblance of sanity wanted him gone. The Twitter
tantrums, the agonizing attempts at being presidential, the hatred,
the rage, the buffoonery, all that was the painful joke that was
Trump in the Oval Office. Let alone Biden, a rusted rake would have
been a better choice than man-baby Donald. He had to go, but what
now of Biden as president? How is the progressive future set to
fare under his tutelage?
Biden is of course, bar one huge exception, the walking, talking
embodiment of traditional American presidents – male, white and the
wrong side of 60. In other words – same old, same old. Sure, Biden
may work hard for the US to reclaim its prior position as leader of
the free world, but still, he believes that cannabis is a “gateway
drug.” Biden is as Biden does – a pragmatic, centrist, career
politician, firmly in hock to corporate America. And never overlook
how he has previously rubbed shoulders with racist politicians in the
past, all in the name of “compromise.”
Well, compromise be damned. Like an avalanche that has started
and cannot now be stopped, Biden is increasingly becoming unglued.
Remember back in the presidential debates with Trump how he would
on occasion lose track of what he was saying, meandering into a
morass of visible confusion and concern? Well, that mental decline
isn’t going anywhere soon. Far from it – it’s seemingly getting worse.
Point in question? Biden’s beyond bizarre recent press conference
that saw him serve up a select few answers in a whispered, kind of
creepy, who’s he kinda talking to way. Was it an attempt at humor?
Well, didn’t hear of too many belly-laughs or broken ribs. Was it an
attempt at being unique, a break from all presidential things prior?
Well, Trump was that and look how that ended up. No, something is
not right with Biden and it’s starting to peel at the cracks.
Thankfully, we have Vice-President Kamala Harris waiting in the non-
whispering wings. If anything, she is the outspoken, non-white, non-
male, non-elderly president that the US so badly needs. In a time
when we have witnessed Derek Chauvin get a luke-warm sentence for
the brutal execution of George Floyd in full view of the world, race
as an issue in the US remains as high profile as it ever was before.
The continual loop of American history that continues to oppress
Black citizens of the supposed “Great Republic” is still firmly stuck,
and firmly so. Depressingly, it’s as if the Civil War and the Civil
Rights movement never actually happened.
Harris is everything that Biden is not. She is tech friendly, erudite and
in tune with progressive America. Her mercurial mind makes “honest
Joe” look as outdated as he really is. But it’s not just that. The
country needs a president that truly reflects the America of the
twenty-first century – diverse, cosmopolitan, and anything but white,
male and old. Harris checks all those boxes, and more. As much as
it would make Trumper / Republican heads implode (which is always a
good thing), it’s what the rest of the country not only want, they
yearn for.
Biden has already suggested that he is going to run for re-election in
2024. That is a recipe for disaster and is an open door, God forbid,
for Trump to claw his way back into the White House for four more
tortuous years. Plus, if Biden continues to go down the road of
increasingly eliciting the response of “what did I just see?” (as he
caused many on the right to splutter in indignation about) then we
can expect nothing less than a Republican president come 2024,
Trump or another bigot.
Harris undoubtedly needs to be on the presidential ticket, in primary
position, NOW.
As we know, the US is crying out, bursting at
the lungs, for actual change. Is yet another septuagenarian, white
male the answer to that? Of course not. We as a country are now
way beyond that dreary, reactionary, tired old BS. Let the history
of the future run its true course and have Harris take up occupancy
of the White House come 2024.
Nothing more would get in the face
of the bigots, the racists, the sexists and the knuckle-draggers in
general of the conservative right. And after all, Biden may whisper,
but Harris shouts out loud – it’s time for something different,
something like never before.