Stop and frisk is a declaration of WAR, Progressives must fight back.
The biggest deal with how the Nazis came to power in 1930s Germany was not just the
fascist thugs themselves. It was the millions of non-Nazi Germans who remained indifferent
to the rise of Hitler and his assault on freedom, democracy and, most notoriously, the Jews.
Progressives here in America need to remember that. There is no room for any
complacency and that is a gospel that they need to go and preach to those who are
That same formula of fighting not only fascists but indifference too, is also applicable to the
abject failure that is NYC mayor, Eric Adams. He still holds his fixation with “stop and frisk”
is one of the first steps on the slippery slope of American authoritarianism. We have to
ensure that a return to “stop and frisk” never again rears its miserable head again in NYC.
“Stop and frisk is tantamount to a declaration of war upon millions of law-abiding Black and
Brown Americans by the Democrats.
We must come together ever more so that before and stand our ground. We will not have
our human rights infringed upon in such a draconian fashion. If “stop and frisk” becomes
implemented once more, who knows what totalitarian steps follow that? If needs be,
shoulder to shoulder, we can shutdown both the MTA and the whole pandemic shaken city.
With the NYPD now on an authoritarian warpath, paved by Eric Adams, it is clearly time to
leap off the Democrats Jim Crow political plantation. Wake up call for the DNC and Eric
Adams – the slavery era is dead forthwith. The bottom line is that, in an NYC where we all
have COVID PTSD, Eric Adams must be stopped before anger and blood erupts on the
streets the People’s City.
The Democrats think that we are just the next generation of political suckers which, sadly,
some of our parents were. However, given that we know that we have history on our side,
they are the suckers, not us. We know, and crucially, accept, that the emerging $45 billion
dollar cannabis industry is the twenty-first century equivalent of the nineteenth century gold
rush. While we Smoke in Peace, maybe the real suckers can reflect on just exactly they
went wrong (and where would they start?!)
We owe this not only to ourselves, but to our children and future generations beyond them.
The country is already divided and reeling like nothing since the Civil War. Anti-democratic,
racist, misogynistic, neo-fascism, peddled by the likes of Trump, Matt Gaetz, Jim Jordan,
Marjorie Taylor Greene and yes, Eric Adams, is already riddled through American society
and is a clear and present threat to us all. We simply cannot allow Eric Adams and his neo-
fascist sidekicks terrorize us and generations yet to come. The seeds of full-blown fascism
have been planted in America and have started to grow. It is our sacred mission to wrench
these wretched weeds up from our city, our society and our country.
We are at a technological crossroads and consequently, we have the clear opportunity to
disrupt the traditional travel and tourism industries of the US. That crossroads also allows
us to destroy the political career of Eric Adams once and for all, weed style. Fellow
progressives, we have a towering moral obligation to capture our share of the $8.8 trillion
dollar travel industry. That is our blueprint, our collective, economic DNA. In pursuit of that
multi trillion-dollar goal, we will provide our celebrated technologists.
There is a hard truth that all Progressives need to swallow. We are unwanted guests on the
Democrats’ archaic analog plantation. To be free of that mire, we will further lift our rising
superstars of politics to the next rungs of American history via “Mandatory Black Digital
Conscription.” They can’t unsee their written future or unhear the clarion call of true racial
justice in the USA. We refuse to allow those superstars to passively sit on the sidelines
while mediocre, visionless and downright dangerous politicians fumble the football that is
American democracy. After 157 years of being sharecroppers on the DNC plantation, we
implore Progressives to leap forward with us into the 2K Universal Basic Income, digital era,
along with 100 million plus, pandemic shaken, loyal voters.
We all have different reasons and experiences that lead us to become genuine
Progressives who have had the blinkers of indifference removed from our eyes. Based on
the legal street-fight that I had with the taxi industry operating a tourist shuttle service in
Fairbanks, Alaska and my experience in Sacramento, California operating a wine tour
company and international travel club, I decided to enter politics so as to shake things up in
the racist travel industry. I did that from the inside with the introduction of cyber tourism
warfare. Consequently, TIP Political party is weaponized, monetized and mechanized.
Weare, without doubt, the digital fifth element that the travel and tourism world has been
waiting for since Airbnb hit the scene.
Americans simply don’t need more policing. After all, the entire reason that the US came to
be was through a rejection of authoritarian over-reach. What they need instead is twenty-
first century technologists to stake their claim in the multi trillion-dollar digital future. We
have to synergize our own political and travel metaverse so as to beat corporate America to
the knock-out punch.
NYC Progressives! Embed your political career in the house of TIP Political Party, a house
that combat veterans and battle-scarred tour operators built with grit, passion and vision.
Join us in our campaign to have Eric Adams recalled and Andrew Yang’s 2K UBI is finally
realized. Let us also actualize Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez’s 1.5 million strong Climate
and Tourism Corps so as to save the States and to save the world! Unite with us for the
cultural war of a generation, with real world political, societal and financial rewards when we
achieve our precious, critical and inevitable victory.